Monday, July 12, 2010

Still Have a Long Road Ahead

Henry is having another cleaning on Tuesday with all the medications and pain we ask that he has NO VISITORS on Tuesday July 13th. So he can rest.

Henry has been in a lot of pain since the pelvic surgery. He is pretty out of it and has not had a real good day since the surgery. We are asking if you stop by and he is resting PLEASE let him rest. Also for the time being please DO NOT call his room if you would just send a card and/or prayers.

We have all been so encouraged with how well Henry is healing, and still are, but Henry is still very hurt and he has a very long road ahead of him.

As always love to all and keep the prayers coming!!


  1. Lots, and lots of prayers for you and your family. May the love of God, prayers, family, and friends help you heal. Take care my friend.

  2. The whole family has you in our prayers bud! Stay strong and remember we are all thinking of you!

  3. Love, Hugs & Prayer's Henry!!
