Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18, 2010

Hi Everyone!
I just left Barb and Henry's house and had a nice visit with Barb. Again she is asking that extra prayers be sent out tonight and tomorrow. Henry will be going in on Monday for more surgery. He is supposed to be getting some more skin grafts done on his leg and elbow. Barb said the first graft went well and they were able to cover 40% of an area on his leg! PRAISE GOD!

Some Funnies For You Henry

One of the things I love about you Henry is your sense of humor!
I miss laughing with you everyday!
Your smile comes easy, your laughter is a song...And I'm really
missing that music!
Heal fast, stay strong, and keep the faith!

Whenever God closes one door, he always opens another,
even though sometimes...It's hell in the hallway!
-here's hoping your hallway gets shorter everyday Henry!!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt,
and call me over!
(sip, sip, where did I put the darn lemon?)

I don't care if you lick windows,
talk to the voices in your head,
or occasionally pee on yourself...
You hang in there sunshine, your special!!!!