Tuesday, July 20, 2010

54 Donors

We are very excited that specifically for Henry there were 54 Donors!!!!!! Thank everyone who came out, that is awesome.

Henry will be having a skin graft surgery on his leg on Friday and good news this could be the last skin graft. The elbow is done. Yeah!

Henry's YouTube video is up to 144 views WOW

A mother's love

Love is all powerful, especially that of a mother's!
And, when her child is hurt, broken & suffering...
the pain that hits her comes in waves, and is almost unbearable.
The worry, exhausting,
the sleepless nights, many...
but, the strength she finds, can lift the world!
Her faith is unshakable,
and hope, she always has hope!!

When your mom found out you posted Henry's song,
she started to cry...
How did he find the time? He has so much on his plate right now.
And, through her tears, she also said,
I have the best boys!!!

I say, Dan & Henry...
You boys have the best mom!!

& Hope

Heart To Heart Blood Drive July 19, 2010

Larry Frederick, Bonnie Rafferty, Cory Rafferty,
Chris Bowersox & Dave

Larry Frederick & Carl Rafferty

Carl Rafferty, Adella Frederick & Cory Rafferty
Everybody Loves You Henry!!!