Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday July 9th Evening

Henry was finally taken back to surgery around 6:30pm for a 7hr surgery on his pelvis. The surgery was supposed to begin earlier today but was delayed for other traumas in the hospital. The day was filled with anticipation of when the surgery would begin.
Today was a bit different at the hospital for Barb Bonnie and Hank because now that Henry is aware of what is going on he also was anticipating being taken back to the O.R . I am sure he was excited anxious and very scared at the same time, as we all are, for a very serious and extensive surgery.
As always everyone appreciates the thoughts and prayers of family, friends and well wishers we do not personally know. Word of Henry's condition continues to grow each day and the support is wonderful. Ironically much to Henry's chagrin the internet has been a great source of communication and support, maybe it will change some of his thoughts and he will be doing some of his own updates soon. Take Care, Pray Hard and Stay Safe.

My visit with Henry

I went to see Henry yesterday, (hi Henry!!)

When I arrived, I saw his wife Barb, through the window of his room, reading him cards that were sent. Henry was smiling, and it was great to see! (please keep the cards & letters coming!)

So he can see them, Barb, and his mom, Bonnie have been taping all his cards on the wall in front of his bed.
He has to lay flat, so there is no pressure on the stablizing bar, connected to his pelvis.
There is a beautiful, carved wooden angel, made by his dad, watching over him, and pictures of family & friends all around.

When I came into the room, he started talking to me, man was I surprised!!
I hadn't known he was talking!! It was great to hear his voice!
Henry was alert, his color was good, and he seemed comfortable.
His mother arrived shortly after I did, and his face just lit up when she walked in!
The love in his eyes, when he looks at his wife Barb, leaves you breathless.

He has a major surgery scheduled for today, on his pelvis.
Let us pray, the doctors can do all that needs to be done, and for Henry's strength to stay the course!

We all love you Henry!!!