He is now just like everyday wiped out!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
One small step for man ...7 foot for Henry
Great Fantastic Yes the news is true Henry walked 7 foot today unassisted! WOW I can not believe the progress therapy and determination makes!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
29 Sept - Standing Tall
I talked to Henry tonight on the phone. He stood for the first time on his own today. It started by the therapist and Barb holding him, then a few minutes later they helped him up and let go while Henry stood by himself. They then repeated it a third time in the hour. He said it was good to wear shoes again and stand but it was very tiring. Great to hear though. It is now expected that he will be home before Halloween. A long road yet to go but going home would do wonders for Henry. Everyone keep their fingers crossed and pray that he makes his Halloween homecoming.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
He's moved on up to the top to a deluxe room in Health South
Well Henry is in his (private) room at Health South. His schedule is very precise and crucial to his physical and occupational therapies. Health South has very strict visiting hours M-F 3-8pm and Sat-Sun 10-8pm.
Basically from what we know he has a very busy schedule other than during visiting hours. The doctors, therapists and Henry are working very hard to build his muscles so he can start moving on his own etc. We all know the common goal is for Henry to get back to as normal life as possible or better. It has not quite been a week so we have not got any details as to how he is feeling or progressing yet. Dan did speak with him on Wednesday evening and he was in good spirits and looking forward to the work ahead of him knowing that is what is going to get him back home. Although he did mention at that point he was none to impressed with the nursing staff but liked the doctors and therapists.
Any visitors and all phone calls need to adhere to the visiting hours schedule. Please keep in mind he has to eat lunch and dinner in the dining room. We are not sure when dinner typically is Henry could tell you if you call.
Health South
143 E. 2nd St
Erie PA 16507
Room 218
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
21 Sept
Henry is being moved to Health South today where he will start undergoing serious physical therapy. He is mostly to the phase of muscle building only except his left knee is still locked and moving his right elbow is extremely painful. He is in good spirits though and mentally preparing himself for a lot more movement.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Moving Along
Well not a whole lot of detail but wanted to give some updates of what I do know.
Henry has been starting to work his muscles. Not only in his legs and arms but his whole body. He was immobile for so long he even had to strengthen his neck to have the ability to hold upright. The Dr's and nurses get him up in a wheelchair at least once a day and he has a new bed that rotates to an upright position to help him work on standing. His left leg is locked and they are for sure if it will work out the more he has physical therapy or if it will have to be surgically done.
I hope to have more info over the weekend so I can give more details.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Mike, Brian, Jamie, Troy, Mark, Todd & Henry
You are not alone in this!
As brothers we will stand,
and we'll be there to hold your hand...
We will ask the night
to lose it's sight,
until the sun can light your way home.
We will move mountains for you,
our strong shoulders will hold you up...
We Will Be Your Ladder To The Stars!!
FRIENDSHIP: an attachment to a person by,
esteem, respect and affection
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Surgery Done!
Just got the phone call....Henry is out of surgery. Everything went well, he will be staying on the 8th floor at Hammott until he is medically ready to go back to Select Hospital. The bar is off the pelvis, they worked his knee and elbow. The elbow is giving him a great deal of pain so he will probably be heavily medicated the rest of the day and trying to rest.
Henry will be starting alot more movement over the next several weeks including physical and occupational therapies. He is going to be all kinds of sore and in pain but that is still wonderful news on so many different levels.
I will keep everyone updated as I hear new news. Have a Great Week!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
What you have all been waiting for....Drum Roll PLEASE
Henry is on the next step to recovery!
On Tuesday September 7th Henry will go to Hammott for a surgery to remove the stabilizing bar from his pelvis and work on his left knee. His left knee is the leg that was degloved and he has not been able to move that leg so it has locked up and they believe has some calcification.
He got to sit up some tonight, well not quite upright because he does still have the bar. He was moved to the side of the bed and got to put his feet on the ground!!! After 2 months of laying down he did get a bit lite headed and his legs numbed up a bit but what a great step.
We are soo excited to hear Henry is moving to the next stage to recovery. Of course with each new step there is going to be pain and mental preparedness. I am sure it will be a shock to realize the little thing he has always done will take some work for a little while. We all know Henry is very strong and we ask everyone just to keep on praying for his strength and determination to help through the next phase.
Sorry the update took so long!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Corry Journal- August 31st

Tuesday, August 31, 2010 2:33 PM EDT
" Hometown: Helping Henry Rafferty "
A benefit for Henry Rafferty of Lawrence Park was held Saturday at the American Legion Post 237 pavilion in Union City. Rafferty, a graduate of Union City Area High School, is recuperating at Select Specialty Hospital in Erie after a car slammed into him at Sarah A. Reed Retirement Center while he was looking at the condition of a tree for his job at Johnston’s Evergreen Nursery. Rafferty’s wife, Barb, left, and his mother, Bonnie, right, of Union City, show some of the many items that were donated for a Chinese auction, including baskets of fresh vegetables donated by Bonnie Rafferty’s brother.
A benefit for Henry Rafferty of Lawrence Park was held Saturday at the American Legion Post 237 pavilion in Union City. Rafferty, a graduate of Union City Area High School, is recuperating at Select Specialty Hospital in Erie after a car slammed into him at Sarah A. Reed Retirement Center while he was looking at the condition of a tree for his job at Johnston’s Evergreen Nursery. Rafferty’s wife, Barb, left, and his mother, Bonnie, right, of Union City, show some of the many items that were donated for a Chinese auction, including baskets of fresh vegetables donated by Bonnie Rafferty’s brother.
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