We are visiting Henry as I write this Post. He is doing amazing we are so excited to see him talking and eating. Dan and I had not seen him for 1 month and this is awesome. We love Henry very much and are so Happy to see he is healing.
Henry wanted to tell everyone THANKS so much for the love and support. He said he does not feel worthy. but we all know he is very worthy.
Henry will also be making an live Skype appearance at the benefit......more details to come.
Great News we now have a PO Box set up for donations to be sent for Henry's Recovery fund.
Henry Rafferty Benefit
PO Box 505
Union City, PA 16438
Also we are needing any volunteers to help work the benefit, donations for auction and for food. We are expecting to have 800 or more people throughout the day of the benefit. We will need alot of food donated to feed people. Please contact Brian Mark or Mike.
Tickets are available in advance or at the door please contact
Brian 814-440-1528
Mark 814-572-3771
Mike 814- 438-3501
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Save the Date August 28th
Saturday August 28th from 2pm till 10 pm
A Benefit for Henry Rafferty
When: Saturday August 28th from 2pm till 10 pm
Where: Union City Little League Field
Ticket Cost: $10.00 adult
Kids 15 & under free
Food - Pig Roast - Non-alcoholic drinks
Entertainment - Live Bands - D.J.
Come Rain or Shine
On Friday, June 25th, Henry was at a nursing home in Erie to diagnose a problem with a Japanese Weeping Cherry. At 11:20 am he was struck by a car while standing next to the tree.
Thankfully the same tree that Henry was inspecting, levered against the wall and saved his
life, but not without cost.
Since that time, Henry has had 12 surgeries and is working hard to recover from his injuries. His
healing process will be long and intense over the next months.
Your support and prayers WILL make a difference!
Contacts for tickets & donations:
Brian at 814-440-1528
Mark at 814-572-3771
Mike at 814-438-3501
Donations and Chinese auction items are being accepted.
More info to come for out of town donations and so forth
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
28 July PM
The cleaning surgery went just fine. Henry recovered much more quickly this time. I talked to him on the phone on Monday, it was good to hear his voice. He gets tired pretty quick though, he has been immobile for over a month now with only one arm moving. He told me it would be nice when he can sit up again and stand. My guess is that he just wants to be able to punch his brother for posting all his business on the internet;) But thanks to you all who have followed his recovery here. I know this site has taken a load off of Mom and Barb. Thanks also to all the contributors.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Tuesday July 27th
Henry is going in for a cleaning today. Dan and I were under the impression he was done being put under the anesthesia for awhile but we were wrong. Henry still has to get the cleanings and new suction tubes put in his leg and we are assuming his elbow.
Please pray for Henry he has had a rough time coming out of the anesthesia the last couple of times. We will be there this weekend we will be able to share more details. Can't wait to see everyone but mostly Henry!!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
23 July Hooray!!!
I just got word that Henry has come out of surgery from this morning. Everything went well and he is finished with his skin grafts. Hopefully this will give him a break from the continual surgeries and he can start to heal.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
54 Donors
We are very excited that specifically for Henry there were 54 Donors!!!!!! Thank everyone who came out, that is awesome.
Henry will be having a skin graft surgery on his leg on Friday and good news this could be the last skin graft. The elbow is done. Yeah!
Henry's YouTube video is up to 144 views WOW
A mother's love
Love is all powerful, especially that of a mother's!
And, when her child is hurt, broken & suffering...
the pain that hits her comes in waves, and is almost unbearable.
The worry, exhausting,
the sleepless nights, many...
but, the strength she finds, can lift the world!
Her faith is unshakable,
and hope, she always has hope!!
When your mom found out you posted Henry's song,
she started to cry...
How did he find the time? He has so much on his plate right now.
And, through her tears, she also said,
I have the best boys!!!
I say, Dan & Henry...
You boys have the best mom!!
& Hope
And, when her child is hurt, broken & suffering...
the pain that hits her comes in waves, and is almost unbearable.
The worry, exhausting,
the sleepless nights, many...
but, the strength she finds, can lift the world!
Her faith is unshakable,
and hope, she always has hope!!
When your mom found out you posted Henry's song,
she started to cry...
How did he find the time? He has so much on his plate right now.
And, through her tears, she also said,
I have the best boys!!!
I say, Dan & Henry...
You boys have the best mom!!
& Hope
Heart To Heart Blood Drive July 19, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Exciting Day at the Blood Drive
Bonnie said the Blood Drive is going very well there have been some media coverage. There also was an appearance from Larry Frederick an ex police officer that was hit by a drunk driver going 65mph. He is an advocate for blood donation and an inspiration for healing. I found a couple of links with his accomplishments since his accident. For those of you on Facebook he also has a Facebook page which might have pictures with Bonnie today.
Community Blood Bank
The first is his 2010 blog and website:
Also Dan Desrochers Director of Marketing at the Erie Community Blood Center left a comment on this mornings post which was very nice and appreciated...check it out!
Community Blood Bank
Give Blood
Today is the big blood drive, see below. PLEASE try to ensure if you are able to give blood it is on your "TO DO" list today. I personally have seen it mentioned so many times on the news that there is a blood shortage and never really thought it would affect me anyway. It can affect any of us at any given time lets try to make giving blood an ongoing thing in our lives. I read that 9% of Americans give blood on an annual basis and if only 1% more would give we would never have blood shortages. I think that should be very easy!!
As always Henry continues to need all your prayers and support for his continued re cooperation. As Emily stated he has another surgery today on his elbow, may God watch over Henry and direct the hands of each surgeon that repairs his broken body!
We will be returning to Erie, Union City, the weekend of the 30th. We are very excited to see everyone but especially Henry. We know he has progressed so much since the last time we got to see him. That is what is wonderful about everyone keeping us informed and connected through this blog, texts and the phone. Thank you and see you all soon.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
July 18, 2010
Hi Everyone!
I just left Barb and Henry's house and had a nice visit with Barb. Again she is asking that extra prayers be sent out tonight and tomorrow. Henry will be going in on Monday for more surgery. He is supposed to be getting some more skin grafts done on his leg and elbow. Barb said the first graft went well and they were able to cover 40% of an area on his leg! PRAISE GOD!
I just left Barb and Henry's house and had a nice visit with Barb. Again she is asking that extra prayers be sent out tonight and tomorrow. Henry will be going in on Monday for more surgery. He is supposed to be getting some more skin grafts done on his leg and elbow. Barb said the first graft went well and they were able to cover 40% of an area on his leg! PRAISE GOD!
Some Funnies For You Henry
One of the things I love about you Henry is your sense of humor!
I miss laughing with you everyday!
Your smile comes easy, your laughter is a song...And I'm really
missing that music!
Heal fast, stay strong, and keep the faith!
Whenever God closes one door, he always opens another,
even though sometimes...It's hell in the hallway!
-here's hoping your hallway gets shorter everyday Henry!!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt,
and call me over!
(sip, sip, gulp...now where did I put the darn lemon?)
I don't care if you lick windows,
talk to the voices in your head,
or occasionally pee on yourself...
You hang in there sunshine, your special!!!!
I miss laughing with you everyday!
Your smile comes easy, your laughter is a song...And I'm really
missing that music!
Heal fast, stay strong, and keep the faith!
Whenever God closes one door, he always opens another,
even though sometimes...It's hell in the hallway!
-here's hoping your hallway gets shorter everyday Henry!!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt,
and call me over!
(sip, sip, gulp...now where did I put the darn lemon?)
I don't care if you lick windows,
talk to the voices in your head,
or occasionally pee on yourself...
You hang in there sunshine, your special!!!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Thank you
I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who is contributing and following this blog. Your kind words and encouragement are reassuring to our family in these trying times. We love and appreciate every word that is spoken, typed and prayed in support of Henrys recovery. God bless you all.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Henry's Song
Henry wrote this song, "Coming Home". He is singing both parts of the vocals. "Coming Home" is a song off the CD called Almost Home by the Praise Band Joyful Noise. Eastminster Presbyterian Church. You can also view on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh1xS6rF9y0
A Message from Brian
Henry looks good. He ate some cereal and fruit cocktail today Barb said. They did some work on his elbow during yesterdays surgery, and are going to start skin grafts tomorrow. He says he is not really in pain just uncomfortable. I think he looks good and his attitude is good. He even jokes around a little. I said goodbye and that I would be back in a couple days, and he says "I'll be here".
Monday, July 12, 2010
Still Have a Long Road Ahead
Henry is having another cleaning on Tuesday with all the medications and pain we ask that he has NO VISITORS on Tuesday July 13th. So he can rest.
We have all been so encouraged with how well Henry is healing, and still are, but Henry is still very hurt and he has a very long road ahead of him.
As always love to all and keep the prayers coming!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Resting Comfortably
Henry is sleeping soundly tonight so no real big news. There is talk that he will be moving out of ICU this week. He had X Rays last night to ensure things were aligned correctly in his pelvis but the Dr's have not read or given us the results hopefully everything is in the right place and we can move on to the next area. Hope everyone had a nice weekend!

You are like a beautiful butterfly,
beating its wings against a cocoon,
who emerges strong enough to fly!!
Can't wait to see you spread your wings again!
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by
every experience in which you really stop to
look fear in the face...
You must do the thing you think you cannot do"
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Saturday, July 10, 2010
On the Fence
Henry said (yes you read that correctly) that it felt "Like he was riding a fence" this morning.
All is good the pelvis is completely finished!!!!! Henry was able to speak to Bonnie and Barb on the phone this morning, the nurse held the phone to his ear. The talk is that next week they would like to start repairing his crushed elbow and begin the long and painful skin grafts on his leg.
Henry still has alot of surgeries and things to go through but with each one we are closer to getting him walking talking(more) and home.
Surgery went well
Prayers are definitely working! Henry's surgery went well. We received a text from Bonnie around 1am and the Dr had just came out to talk to Her and Barb. It sounds like the pelvis is done yeah. They pinned and plated the back part of the pelvis which is permanent and the plan is to still leave the temporary pins and bar on the front on to heal. Not alot of detail yet but wanted to ensure everyone that the surgery was successful.
The elbow will be a different day and surgery. And lots more prayers and support!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Friday July 9th Evening
Henry was finally taken back to surgery around 6:30pm for a 7hr surgery on his pelvis. The surgery was supposed to begin earlier today but was delayed for other traumas in the hospital. The day was filled with anticipation of when the surgery would begin.
Today was a bit different at the hospital for Barb Bonnie and Hank because now that Henry is aware of what is going on he also was anticipating being taken back to the O.R . I am sure he was excited anxious and very scared at the same time, as we all are, for a very serious and extensive surgery.
As always everyone appreciates the thoughts and prayers of family, friends and well wishers we do not personally know. Word of Henry's condition continues to grow each day and the support is wonderful. Ironically much to Henry's chagrin the internet has been a great source of communication and support, maybe it will change some of his thoughts and he will be doing some of his own updates soon. Take Care, Pray Hard and Stay Safe.
My visit with Henry
I went to see Henry yesterday, (hi Henry!!)
When I arrived, I saw his wife Barb, through the window of his room, reading him cards that were sent. Henry was smiling, and it was great to see! (please keep the cards & letters coming!)
So he can see them, Barb, and his mom, Bonnie have been taping all his cards on the wall in front of his bed.
He has to lay flat, so there is no pressure on the stablizing bar, connected to his pelvis.
There is a beautiful, carved wooden angel, made by his dad, watching over him, and pictures of family & friends all around.
When I came into the room, he started talking to me, man was I surprised!!
I hadn't known he was talking!! It was great to hear his voice!
Henry was alert, his color was good, and he seemed comfortable.
His mother arrived shortly after I did, and his face just lit up when she walked in!
The love in his eyes, when he looks at his wife Barb, leaves you breathless.
He has a major surgery scheduled for today, on his pelvis.
Let us pray, the doctors can do all that needs to be done, and for Henry's strength to stay the course!
We all love you Henry!!!
When I arrived, I saw his wife Barb, through the window of his room, reading him cards that were sent. Henry was smiling, and it was great to see! (please keep the cards & letters coming!)
So he can see them, Barb, and his mom, Bonnie have been taping all his cards on the wall in front of his bed.
He has to lay flat, so there is no pressure on the stablizing bar, connected to his pelvis.
There is a beautiful, carved wooden angel, made by his dad, watching over him, and pictures of family & friends all around.
When I came into the room, he started talking to me, man was I surprised!!
I hadn't known he was talking!! It was great to hear his voice!
Henry was alert, his color was good, and he seemed comfortable.
His mother arrived shortly after I did, and his face just lit up when she walked in!
The love in his eyes, when he looks at his wife Barb, leaves you breathless.
He has a major surgery scheduled for today, on his pelvis.
Let us pray, the doctors can do all that needs to be done, and for Henry's strength to stay the course!
We all love you Henry!!!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
July 8th Evening
Good Evening everyone,
I just briefly got a text from Barb and she is asking that we all send up extra prayers tonight and tomorrow. Henry will be going in for a big surgery on his pelvis on Friday. Will send updates tomorrow as we get them.
I just briefly got a text from Barb and she is asking that we all send up extra prayers tonight and tomorrow. Henry will be going in for a big surgery on his pelvis on Friday. Will send updates tomorrow as we get them.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
July 6th pm
Henry did not have work on his pelvis today we are not sure why. He did however have his cleaning and was very uncomfortable afterwards so the nurses gave him more sedative so he would rest.
The Dr also reminded us that Henry although recouping nicely is heavily medicated. When he is communicating he will go from subject to subject, we do not want to discourage or frustrate him so follow his lead.
Tuesday July 6th

Henry gets more alert everyday with alot of questions. He has a sheet with the alphabet so he can spell out words to his visitors. He seems to feel most of his pain from his pelvis, so every time he is moved he is in great pain. He has smiled, which was great for Bonnie and Barb to see.
It has been very encouraging for the family to see him not so helpless. God Bless him he is so strong.
Henry went in for surgery around 10am. He is having his leg and elbow cleaning and some work on the pelvis. We are not sure what they are doing to the pelvis hopefully we have more details after the surgery....more to come. I would just like to say how happy I am that Henry is doing better and to be a part of such a wonderful Family. And what great lifelong friends the family has for encouragement support and love. I Love you all very much!
Prayer's & Encouragement
Henry & his family still need your prayer's.
Words of encouragement are welcomed too!
Post a comment, send a card, letter or note.
Let us all continue to show Henry our love & support!!!
If you don't have is address,
mail them to the nursery.
His family will make sure he gets them.
Johnston't Evergreen Nursery
9865 Wales Rd.
Erie, Pa. 16510-5427
Words of encouragement are welcomed too!
Post a comment, send a card, letter or note.
Let us all continue to show Henry our love & support!!!
If you don't have is address,
mail them to the nursery.
His family will make sure he gets them.
Johnston't Evergreen Nursery
9865 Wales Rd.
Erie, Pa. 16510-5427
Monday, July 5, 2010
5 July AM
Henry was very responsive today. His memory wasn't reseting every couple of hours and he was more like himself. I know Barb was happy to get a real hug from him. He attempted to write down some things but apparently he is not very good at writing with his left hand. He did however breathe without the respirator all day so hopefully in a couple more days he'll be able to talk.
He is scheduled for another cleaning surgery today. I hope he starts recovering from these procedures quicker, I know it takes a lot out of him.
He is scheduled for another cleaning surgery today. I hope he starts recovering from these procedures quicker, I know it takes a lot out of him.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Permissions to post
If you would like to "Post" on the blog please send me your email address and I will add to author list. We really appreciate everyones support
I welcome anyone who wants to contribute new posts to this blog. Membership to this site is free and gmail users can sign in with their gmail credentials. I, personally, would welcome any post from visitors of Henry as I will not be able to visit for a while. I know that others who have been keeping up with his recovery would welcome any additions.
Feel free to email me at psuraff@gmail.com if you have any questions.
Feel free to email me at psuraff@gmail.com if you have any questions.
3 July PM
Henry was very awake all day today. While he will continue to be confused about what is happening to him, he is beginning to recognize more people. He went all day breathing without the respirator and while the doctors expect that he will need to go back on it sometime tonight it is a good sign that he is fighting to get better.
Returning home
As most of you know, my family and I live out of state and after being here a week we must return home. It was the hardest thing I've ever done to look Henry in the eye and tell him that I was leaving his side. I know he will be taken care of but it is hard when I know that I can not personally stand at his side.
Everyone please take care of Henry and our family in my absence. God bless you all.
Everyone please take care of Henry and our family in my absence. God bless you all.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
3 July afternoon
Henry is looking much better today. When I arrived they were letting him breathe on his own for a while. He did very well. He has inherited the Marzka cough and it is giving him fits on the respirator. So beware if you visit and he starts coughing, it is not pleasant. Now with more awareness comes more confusion for Henry. It seems between the meds and his injuries, he is continually having to be told what has happened to him. For those that have seen Groundhog Day, it is very similar except every few hours Henry resets. Please don't be alarmed if he doesn't recognize you. He has bounced in and out of recognizing me over the last 2 days. That being said, please do not overload him, limit visitors to 2 at a time.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Friday, July 2, 2010
2 July PM
The surgery is over and Henry is resting well. Everything went well and he now has 2 vacs draining his leg wound. There are no tubes going in through his mouth any more and his arm is resting across his belly. Its looking like he will continue to have these surgeries for his degloving wounds three times a week.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
2 July afternoon
Henry went into surgery at 1:30. At 3:00, the tracheotomy was complete and they were starting on his pelvis and other wounds. His abdomen is swelling into the bar so they have to readjust the bar. He is not expected to be done with this surgery until 6:00.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
2 July AM
Henry is going in at 10 for surgery. They are still planning on the tracheotomy, cleansing his skin wounds and working on his pelvis. I'd expect at least a 4 hour surgery this time.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, July 1, 2010
1 July AM
Henry continues to be agitated by the tubes but there is only one day left on the ones going through his mouth. The doctors say that if he does well during the surgery tomorrow and enough blood is available, they will work on his pelvis as well.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
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